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Dec 11, 2015

Today I’m super-excited to introduce a new content line-up to the mix—and we’ll be calling it the FlashClass — Big ideas from popular books, condensed into actionable audio lessons, about 5-minutes in length.

Each FlashClass is …

  • designed to help you get more knowledge in less time
  • focuses on a single big idea from a popular business or self-help book from the library
  • made to make hard-to-grasp ideas easy and actionable

FlashClass: Protein Powder, The China Study, and Turning Cancer Off

  • Book: The China Study
  • Category: Health

Today’s FlashClass is inspired by The China Study, and it’s all about protein consumption…

In case you’ve never heard about the book, The China Study is the largest epidemiological study ever conducted. In a nutshell: 650,000 researchers catalogued and analyzed the death rates for 880 million Chinese citizens—96% of China’s population. Dr. Colin Campbell then, took the findings from the study, and wrote this book so that people everywhere could benefit from the findings… Especially those of us in the western world, who are amongst the un-healthiest people on the planet.